Monday, March 21, 2011

Rays Pizza

Okay, okay, so Rays Pizza is not actually in NJ, but it is located right outside in NYC. I had been craving pizza for almost a month before I finally decided to splurge on the great Rays Pizza in NYC. WELL worth the wait! Rays Pizza is famous for have a great pie, but still, every time you eat one of their mouth watering slices for yourself you can't help but be surprised with just how delicious it really is. As I sat there stuffing a margarita slice down my throat I couldn't control myself from telling my friend every other bite, how awesome this slice was. Likewise, they did the same! The slices were extremely big, which is always pleasing to a hungry stomach. The crust was crunchy at the top and soft and chewy where the sauce and cheese lay over it. Great for folding over and stuffing into your mouth!
The downside to Rays Pizza is the price. After ordering three slices of pizza and two waters between two people the total price came out to over $18! Normally you can order a whole pie and a liter of soda for about the same price. However, for those of us who don't live in NYC, and a trip to Rays is usually associated with a special occasion or a once in a while visit to the city, the price is well worth it. The slices are huge, so you one should easily be satisfied on one to two slices.

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